Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Democrats, Opportunists and Bonapartes

   By Asghar Mayo
The political system is not performing up to the public expectations. Poor performance of  government has once again provided space to forces of doom and gloom..People hoped that a democratic government can meet the challenges of Pakistan, but all hopes seem to be dashed by this government. Public Morale is down in face of challenges. A savior from heaven is being awaited.
Pakistan is fighting an unprecedented multiple crises.  Millions of people have lost their every thing in devastating floods, economy is in doldrums, institutions are weak, and militants plus Afghan government are adding to worries of Pakistan on anti-terrorism front.  In such circumstance, government needs public support and political strength of all mainstream parties. But it is not case in Pakistan. Government is losing public support and political parties are fishing in troubled water. Only Zardari headed government is not on stake rather democracy itself is being questioned as a fit system of governance in countries like Pakistan. Every lapse on the part of government is being used to besmirch the long tested system of democracy.
Some political parties openly champion the military rule to bring change in Pakistan. Altaf Hussian, head of MQM, has invited Military to launch crusade against feudal lords. Apparently it is cheap move but effective tactic to blackmail a government which not only need MQM votes but also peace in Karachi. MQM is not in line with the  government on many things especially about the ANPs increasing influence in Karachi and settlement of flood refuges in Karachi. Secondly MQM want to attract masses to expand its political base in interior Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab by blaming feudals for managing levees and embankment to inundate lands and villages of peasantry. Such incidents have happened but feudals cannot be made scapegoat. Altaf hussian definitely chose a wrong tool and at wrong time. Tactic proved counterproductive and he has to backtrack from his statement. Now MQM is trying to recover from the harsh onslaught of criticism. Altaf hussian claims his party has been struggling for democracy since last 32 years. But verdict of history is against it.  Admittedly,masses have short memory but not too short. His party is not only brainchild of junta rule but also supported all military generals without atonement.
Astonishingly, leader like Imran khan also preferred Military over Zardari and Pir Sahib of Pagaro is always willing to welcome Martial law. Many people in Pakistan like Imran khan for his vocal resistance against military rule, they rank him in cadres of democrats. But today they feel betrayed. He has lost many supporters by advocating such Bonaparte’s adventure. He once again has proved his political immaturity and lack of political vision. He is still unable to wash stigma that his party supported General Musharraf in his intial days. People like pir sahib who is proud political witch need no comments. He is more interested in his horses than public and country. He even don’t mind if Indian army interfere in Pakistani politics because his only worth is within extra constitutional governments.
Given the situation, there is no path with politicians but to be patient and realistic. Army rule is not a solution rather mother of all evils. Democracy need time, it advocates trail and error. Though, Government is performing poorly yet still we need to own it. We all are stake holders and are under moral duty to correct it through peaceful means.  Media must criticize but criticism must be constructive to force Govt. to take decision in the light of informed public opinion. Perhaps it is last chance for all political parties to retrieve the space they have lost to non democratic forces

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Season of Apples and Blood In Kashmir!

 By Asghar Mayo 
We claim to live in a civilized world with vibrant media and sophisticated institutions but there are many places where millions of millions people are suffering injustice, violence, oppression and suppression, with no relief in sight. Ironically, civilization is yet not ready to pay heed to their miseries and sufferings. There is nobody to let the daylight in the darkness of injustice and tyranny. It seems that there is no collective conscience of this so called civilized world. Perhaps, it is designed to bolster the interest of few nations, who are strong in muscle and clever in maneuvering.
Kashmir is unfortunate case in point, where 5 million people are suffering at the hands of “largest democracy”. They protest every year, spill blood every summer; dozens of people lay their lives at the altar of independence but all in vain so to speak. Storm abate and life become calm once again as if protest were part of rituals and  ended with apple season in valley.
Apple season is about to start but anger is seething and Indian government is leaving no stone unturned to put the real matter under carpet. Each day sun set along with many innocent lives. Hundreds have died and thousands are in line to die. Thanks to India, thousands  troops are dispatched who will resort to draconian laws to control the wave of protest. No mistake, every year guns and mortar win and every time kashmiries loose. Protest peter out but not for good; simmering hatred against Indian occupation erupt in many forms. Nobody except Pakistan, who has its own axe to grind, comes to condemn and demand a permanent solution of issue. Print and electronic media across the world give coverage to issue when big things happen which are otherwise not ignorable. Is everybody is biased against Kashmir? No, actually nobody is interested in you unless you have some material value.
 The movement of Kashmir is poorly organized and it is victim of internal division; even Huyriat Conference has inherent weaknesses to put a united front against India. Pakistan always played a critical role in Kashmir movement but deteriorating conditions in Pakistan have limited the influence and India doesn’t bother about Pakistan Foreign Office statements for obvious reasons. But I always pray for kashmiries with a faith that nationalism cannot be defeated, no matter how much strong the imperialist are

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

National Character! Morality and Politics Of Tragedies

By Asghar Mayo
Whenever there is crisis in Pakistan, we listen about such stories which are not less than nightmares. These are stories of human greed, wickedness, brutality and cold-bloodedness. What happened in aftermath of 5 October 2005 earthquake, people mutilated dead bodies to take away belonging like gold in neck and wrist of deceased women. People searched Margilla hills to find gold from the crash site of Airblue flight.
In flood affected areas where we have seen laudable charity campaigns and donations, there are also stories that flood areas were raided by armed men and everything was taken away from abandoned homes. Not only this but also people were marauded when they were moving away from their homes to save their lives. Children were kidnapped and women were mistreated. The incidents were not isolated and solitary but frequent and took place everywhere all over affected areas.
One tragedy was thrusted upon by nature and second tragedy was perpetrated by fellow humans. Natural calamities are tolerated and wounds heal with the passage of time but such human crimes remains alive in memories of victims as if they are ever fresh in nature.
Allegation that embankment were managed to inundate fields of poor people and feudal lords saved there lands at the cost of peasants. Many politicians are allegedly involved in this sort of “Disaster management.”
This state of affairs speaks volumes of our national character and morality. We claim to be civilized but whether we really deserve this claim? Sailkot like incidents take place in this country in the presence of police force.I am afraid we lack a national character and fundamental moral principles to help our fellow human beings. Despite all these evils we want soft image and mercy of God. Is it possible?

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Be Lost in the Call (Poem By Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī)

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī 
Lord, said David, since you do not need us,
why did you create these two worlds?
Reality replied: O prisoner of time,
I was a secret treasure of kindness and generosity,
and I wished this treasure to be known,
so I created a mirror: its shining face, the heart;
its darkened back, the world;
The back would please you if you've never seen the face.
Has anyone ever produced a mirror out of mud and straw?
Yet clean away the mud and straw,
and a mirror might be revealed.
Until the juice ferments a while in the cask,
it isn't wine. If you wish your heart to be bright,
you must do a little work.
My King addressed the soul of my flesh:
You return just as you left.
Where are the traces of my gifts?
We know that alchemy transforms copper into gold.
This Sun doesn't want a crown or robe from God's grace.
He is a hat to a hundred bald men,
a covering for ten who were naked.
Jesus sat humbly on the back of an ass, my child!
How could a zephyr ride an ass?
Spirit, find your way, in seeking lowness like a stream.
Reason, tread the path of selflessness into eternity.
Remember God so much that you are forgotten.
Let the caller and the called disappear;
be lost in the Call.